SEO Needs To Be Done The Right Way!


  1. Steer Clear Of Old School SEO Tactics
  2. Serve Up Relevant Content
  3. Maintain A Constant Focus On Site Visitor Experience
  4. Deploy A Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

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Steer Clear Of Old School SEO Tactics

SEO strategies that focus all lead generation efforts around Organic Marketing usually lead to major disappointment for the business owner. Why do we say this? Because the search engines have made it abundantly clear that they are determined not to allow the SEO “Organic Marketing Only Practioners” to manipulate their organic results! We advise you to steer a wide path away from these SEO firms. The old traditional SEO tactics they use have clearly been identified by the search engines and the search engine organic algorithms are set up to find and penalized website owners who have crossed the line.


Focus Your Energy Around Building A Website That Serves Up Relevant Information To Site Visitors

Search engines a quick to advise, their organic algorithms are designed to identify the most relevant websites that serve up the most relevant, informative and compelling content. The algorithms are then designed to reward those sites with increased organic placement opportunities. The more relevant your site, the more organic placement you will get! Before you allow some so called SEO expert to start monkeying around with your website, here is a simple rule for you to follow. Ask yourself this very important question. Are the changes being recommended designed to improve site visitor experience and value, or are the changes simply being considered as a means of trying to influence the organic results? The algorithms are designed to reward sites that serve customers needs most effectively. At the end of the day, search engines are only valuable and relevant for shoppers and information seekers as long as they deliver highly relevant answers to the search queries being submitted.


What You Really Need To Do

Our recommendation to business owners is work with us to deploy a comprehensive marketing strategy for your firm. The most appropriate marketing strategy will differ based on the size of the business being marketed, current brand awareness and strength, competition within the industry segment, along with many other factors. For larger clients, we generally recommend that they utilize a healthy mix of traditional print media, broadcast media, social media, blogging, press releases, a comprehensive search engine marketing program and email marketing. For medium to small size firms our program recommendations vary based on need, available budget, workload capabilities and other such considerations, weighed against potential revenue opportunity. 

Our Comprehensive Internet Marketing Strategy is unique in our industry and has proven to deliver solid results for firms like Allen’s Flowers and Plants, Carithers Flowers, Gwinnett Medical Center, Melloy Dodge, Peoples Flowers and many others. Yes, it still includes a few traditional “On-Page” and “Off-Page” SEO tools and tactics that search engines haven’t flagged as inappropriate. Our focus, however, is on utilizing a full suite of services that drive results and when used simultaneously, compliment and enhance overall program performance.

Take the time to develop relevant and useful content that your site visitors will learn and benefit from. Make sure that content is accurate and that it clearly differentiates your firm from your competition. It should also provide straight forward pricing, add value and be original in nature. Yes, it’s ok to write your text so that it is keyword rich, as long as those keywords help to tell your story about your business in a accurate and factual manner. No, it’s not ok to keyword stuff your Meta Keyword tags, Alt Tags or website footers. Don’t do it.

People ask us all the time, does article marketing still work? We believe that it is very likely that Google has identified content and links from article marketing sites as SEO issues that their organic algorithms must deal with. Please do not buy links from people selling them via a cost per link basis. Google has full visibility into virtually every website out there. They also load cookies onto the computers of all people using the Google networks so they can determine the users web surfing preferences so they can serve them relevant content that is consistent with what sites they frequent. Both Bing and Yahoo operate with similar approaches. All of the search engines utilize information like this in their organic algorithms.






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